Mental Calculation World Cup 2024

Paderborn, GermanyLogo Mental
        Calculation World Cup 2024

CONTENTS: Mental Calculation World Cup Web Site | Maths Links
WORLD CUP 2024:  General Information | Venue | Program | FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can take part in the contest?
Everyone who is a very good mental calculator. The number of participants is limited to 40. If more people register for the event (which is to be expected), the organizer reserves the right to select the participants who qualify.

Which age groups are in the contest?
There are no age groups - all participants are in the same contest. In fact, the Mental Calculation World Cup is not a contest for young students only (although children have participated successfully in the past).

How do I register?
The deadline for registrations is 15 June. Your registration should include a documentation of your mental calculation abilities (see here for details).

Is there an entry fee? Any other costs?
The participants will not have to pay an entry fee and they will not receive a payment for their participation.
All travel and accommodation costs have to be paid by the participants. Also, accompanying persons have to pay for taking part in the social events and the provided catering.

Can I take part in a selection of the categories only?
Although we strongly recommend to take part in all categories, taking part in a selection of the categories only is possible.

Will the tasks have to be solved by means of a computer program or using pen and paper?
MCWC is a paper-based contest. Please read the rules to understand how it works.

Is it allowed to write down intermediate results?
No, this is strictly forbidden. The contest is for straightforward mental calculation.

What are the rules for the contest?
The challenge is to solve as many tasks as possible in the given time. However, the most basic rule is: "correct calculations are more important than speed." You can find detailed information about the rules in the "Rules" file that can be downloaded on the "general information" page. Be sure to study the rules carefully!

LINKS: Mental Calculation World Cup Web Site | MathsLinks
WORLD CUP 2024:  General Information | Venue | Program | FAQ